Unfortunately, the weather hasn’t been pleasant since we arrived in New Brunswick. It’s been stereotypical east coast weather for sure. We’ve had to postpone our clam dig and ocean-side clam bake for the second straight day. We also have to delay our mackerel fishing trip for another day or two.
I did, however, get a chance to meet Deb’s ‘Nanny’ Marie yesterday. She’s really a sweet old timer with a bit of a gruff exterior with a hint of unabashed honesty in every word she makes. The tone of the room steps up when she enters, both out of respect and adjustment to her slight hard-of-hearing. We had an enjoyable time with her.
Yesterday morning, we made our way to the beach in front of our cottage. We propped up Nanny in a nice, broad lawn chair and wrapped her in a homemade quilt which provided a comfortable vantage point of her Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren walking ankle deep in the low-tide.
We spent an hour or so gathering up pieces of sacred wampum and various little critters trapped in the tidal pools. Ella, Aluk, Jazzy and Fiona caught some small shrimp, flounder, baby mackerel, jellyfish and about a dozen crab. I caught one as well, representing the first crab I have ever caught in the sea.
When we returned to Nanny’s sheltered perch, she recounted trying to unjust her seat and falling forward precariously unbeknownst to her caring Grandkids just meters away. She laughed off her situation, hoping no one seen her embarrassing spill.
I also gave my daughter a little gift yesterday. I noticed Katherine Faith wasn’t partaking in a lot of the socializing, fighting a sore throat and a bit of a cold. She was also noticeably homesick being so close to her Cape Breton home, but yet so far away. So during lunch, I arranged to drive her half-way home while her Mom would meet her half-way. She was so happy and excited to be going home early. She was even more excited to see her BFF Kendra who came along for the drive with her entire Caper family.
I’m missing Waabgwaaniis immensely today. I just bask in her beautiful presence and really appreciate when she is around. She is growing up to be a wonderful, respectful young woman. She lives her teachings as Anishinaabe-kwe in everything she does. Today, we are visiting Deborah’s home First Nation of Pabineau. Nanny will be joining us as we visit Uncle Fisher’s house today.