Now that the people of the United States have been given their change, and that change should benefit Black Americans, Native Americans and other minorities – it is now time for that change to come to Canada.
First Nations need to be a catalyst for that change. Like Obama is to America, First Nations also need an agent of change.
We need a First Nation leader and A New AFN that embraces fundamental change that focuses on the needs of First Nations citizens, especially our youth. We need to create sustainable homelands for our people, and have a grass-roots leader that will advocate for our people no matter where they choose to live. We need to build our Nations and support Nation Building.
We also need a leader that can facilitate the development of First Nations economies as a practical means of eliminating First Nations poverty.
We need a leader who can deliver these things, generate unity and a instill a new pride for our people.
Change is Coming. That change begins on February 3, 2009.