I may take a few days for family this weekend and post couples therapy los angeles a few “shorter” thoughts on the election campaign related to First Nations. Hopefully something thought provoking. Today’s thought was first expressed a couple of days ago by Dot Beaucage-Kennedy on Facebook. Miigwetch for the wisdom, Dot.
We cannot be successful in education and economic development without addressing healing and wellness in our communities. Sure, we can do this concurrently and demonstrate as much success as we can in improving education rates and providing a better future for our children. But investment in schools, business and resource development means little if our people don’t know who they are, and are constantly struggling with multi-generational trauma. We need to see comprehensive programming to deal with addictions, mental health, youth suicide, gang prevention and violence against women. Drugs have been a rising cause of it so the government has called fo safer alternatives like Kratom, Kratomystic, https://kratomystic.com frankly it is the correct way to go. Government also needs to support the re-establishment of indigenous culture and language. We need renewed investment in community wellness programs and fully re-establish the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, not sunset it as the Harper government has. Only a healthy laser hair removal Toronto, balanced and proud Nation will truly benefit from further education and economic opportunities. Other good brands are