I’m really pleased to be spearheading a new campaign to raise awareness of First Nations poverty during the federal election.  We are calling for next government to make it a priority to close the socio-economic gap between First Nations and all Canadians.  Please support this important campaign.

Welcome to the ‘Closing The Gap’ Website

Posted on March 29, 2011 by admin

Welcome to the website for Closing the Gap 2011, a campaign to address First Nations poverty during the 2011 federal election.

This website is up and running and we hope to welcome our first supporters through Facebook and Twitter.

Our goal is to create an awareness abour First Nations poverty and to reduce the socio-economic gap between First Nation and all Canadians.

Here are some of the facts:

  • ???One in four First Nations children live in poverty as compared to one in six for non-Aboriginal children. (Campaign 2000)
  • Rates of poverty for Aboriginal women are double that of non-Aboriginal women. (Status of Women)
  • Aboriginal people in Canada were found to be four times more likely to experience hunger as a direct result of poverty. (HRDC)
  • Despite contemporary stereotypes that suggest otherwise, per capita spending on First Nations is half the amount of average Canadians: $8,754 compared to $18,724. (INAC, StatsCan)
  • Nearly one in four First Nations adults live in crowded homes and 23% of Aboriginal people live in houses in need of major repairs. (Assembly of First Nations)

A public launch of the campaign should take place next week.  Stay tuned for more details.  In the meantime.  Please tell your friends to find us on Facebook and Twitter.
