I’ve been enjoying Quebec City very much. Quebec City is a beautiful and hospitable travel destination that I really enjoy. For the past two days, Arnya and I have visited Old Quebec and downtown Quebec City taking in the events celebrating their 400th anniversary.
Last night, we had a spectacular walk through the Plains of Abraham and up to the Citidel overlooking a picturesque vista of the lower St. Lawrence River. We strolled alongside the Citadel fortress and took some photos of the city, its architecture and incredible views.
We spend some time at the boardwalk and Chateau Fontenac, one of Quebec’s most recognizable landmarks. Street musicians and performers kept us entertained while we were window shopping at the many European-themed stores. Cobblestone streets and horse-drawn carriages added to the atmosphere. We had crepes at the Casse Crepe Breton on our way back to the hotel.
The language barrier is a bit of a challenge from time to time, but I get to practice my simple francais.
On Monday night, John, his wife Bonnie, Arnya and I ate lobster at a local eatery near the marina market. After that we followed the crowd to a presentation called ‘Le Moulin a Images’. At dusk, a dynamic video, light, laser and music show projected the 400 year history of Quebec City onto the waterfront grain silos. Apparently, this complex of silos and their buildings are over six football fields long! The show was really spectacular.
Arnya, who came along with me as part of her holidays is having a good time – even though I’m probably cramping her style when cute guys walk by. I’m really glad she’s here to keep me company. Admittedly, it is a little strange to be hanging with my kid’s Mom without the usual accompanyment of our boys. Griffin, Miigwans and Katherine Faith are at home with their Uncle Junior and Auntie Kat.
The AFN meeting is going well. We had a caucus of the Anishinabek Nation over the lunch hour where we discussed, among other things, energy opportunities. Minister Michael Bryant gave a bit of a speech this afternoon as well. Yesterday, the Chiefs of British Columbia honoured our National Chief Phil Fontaine with a ceremony and a special blanket presentation. He was raised-up for his work on the residential school settlement and the Governments apology.
I was happy to have been asked to assist in a pipe ceremony at lunch by Elders Fred Kelly, Peter Kelly, Gordon Francis and Elmer Courchesne. The ceremony was in honour of those residential school survivors who have passed on. We had a tough time finding a place to burn the ceremonial food offering after the ceremony was done – but we made it happen. I was pleased to be there.