I woke up startled. As I opened my eyes and said ‘Good morning’, Deb asked who Warren was and that he passed away. Facebook was already awake with sadness, prayers and well-wishers.
There’s no question that many people will miss Warren Monague. He was a friend to everyone. One of those guys who would give you a helping hand, whether it was to watch your kids for the afternoon, help put your boat in the water or spend a few minutes just chatting and catching up. He was respectful and soft-spoken, but hardworking and tough. He was one of those guys that you thought would always be there – because he would always be there when you needed him.
Warren will be missed most of all by his partner, Sara and their beautiful daughter Ella. Baby Ella became the light of the world for your entire family. Miigwans and Griffin would go on-and-on about her and always look forward to seeing her. Sara and Warren welcomed their twins, River and Ryah six weeks ago. The whole family and many close friends got to see what a great dad Warren was.
Today, I am heartbroken and very sad. I didn’t know Warren well, but the Monagues are such a close family and really great people. It just shows how tragedy can touch even the best of us. I send my Love to Arnya and my Boyz, who are heartbroken today. My thoughts are with you. I offer my prayers to Val, Hiram, Krissy – and especially Sara, Ella, River and Ryah.
At the end of the four-day Spirit Journey, the path of life seems to end at a most beautiful site – a great river. This river is said to be forever-flowing from the Spirit World. However, it is very deep and wide and very hard to cross. On the other side, in the distance, he can see many people urging him on. He can see his Grandparents and all his Loved ones who have gone on before him. They are waving him to come home. But he will rest for one more night to contemplate how he will cross the river. But without question, he knows where he wants to be.
When he awakens the final time, he is met by a great feeling of joy and elation. The Spirit has touched him in a way that cannot be described. He hears the beautiful voices of encouragement from both behind him and in front of him. His relatives are waving him home to come across the river. With a great leap of faith – he takes a step towards the water. Under his feet, a great and beautiful tree emerges spanning the river like a bridge. Throughout his journey, this tree of life has been sheltering him all this time. The water flowing underneath has been nourishing him all this time. When he crosses the river, he is greeted in an overwhelming way. He is welcomed in a great gathering. He is comforted and his journey is complete. He will rest in the care of the Spirit forever.
This is just beautiful….