- About the Three Fires Midewiwin Lodge
- About Our Leadership
- Our Values
- Our Prophecy
- News
- Contact information.
Three Fires Discussion Forum: The most important feature of the website is the Three Fires Discussion Forum. This is our very own protected discussion board to post messages, responses and discussions on everything and anything. The e-mails that are sent out by Rainey are posted as new threads. This will give you opportunities to comment on various subject matter. Please take the time to register and make good use of the Three Fires Discussion Forum. You can write about anything, yourself, your Lodge experiences, upload your photos, share your opinions.
However, in order to protect our information, each user will need to register. There are three registration categories: Registered User:
These are registered guests and supporters of the Three Fires. Everyone is welcome in the general Open Discussion forum.
Midewiwin Youth:
Leadership: Three Fires Midewiwin Leadership have their own private forum for posting and discussion. They also have access to all areas of the site. I would like to publicly thank Rainey Gaywish and April Jones for volunteering to be the site Moderators. They are your online Lodge Directors! Miigwetch.
Three Fires Chatroom:
Mide Mall Online®: Very soon we will be able to provide authentic Anishinabe items in exchange for donations over the internet. We must be clear we are not selling products as a “retailer”. Just as the Mide Mall works at ceremonies, all items sold are donated by Midewiwin which doesn’t require reporting. Supporters also have a place to make Online Donations to the Lodge via their Credit Card or Paypal. ThreeFires.Net E-mail: Registered members can have their own e-mail addresses @threefires.net. In the next week or so, a form will be available on the website to request an e-mail address and to receive instructions on how to set up your ThreeFires.Net e-mail. I hope you enjoy ThreeFires.Net. If you have any comments send them to info@threefires.net.
Bob Goulais
(705) 498-5250