Today is my third day as Manager of the Strategic Policy and Planning Unit at the Ministry of Tourism and Culture.  I’m comfortable in my office, except I need a house plant and my own artwork on the wall.  I’ve got a pretty good staff that always seem to be smiling and in good spirits.  Everything seems to be going well.

I’ve been giving leadership on a couple of files, including aboriginal consultation and archaeology.  My main priorities are to develop the economy, protect sacred objects and sites as well as work in collaboration with First Nation and Métis communities.  I can’t write in detail about that given the nature of government, but I am giving it my all.  I will always serve my community and Nation in a good way, as well move forward on the government’s agenda.  It takes a skilled person to be able to balance all that. 


I’m so happy that it’s March Break.  My Boyz have been doing great in school.  My Katherine Faith always does well in the end.  They deserve a nice break.  Deb is taking some time to spend with Jasmine and Fiona.  Unfortunately, I won’t be able to join them.

Nipissing is all set to kick butt in the Little NHL hockey tournament.  I never played in the Little NHL as I only played a year of organized hockey.  But it’s always fun to cheer on your First Nation and check out all the rinks and rekindle old friendships.  There’s no event quite like it anywhere.


It sure does feel like spring out there.  I left my winter coat at home in favour of a spring jacket.  It’s much better for the short ride on the subway too.  I’ve been venturing out into the street with no jacket the past two days.  I’ve explored the new neighbourhood around my office a little… and Baskin Robins is way too close.


My brother Dennis Jr. has been jamming and recording with my extended brother, Keith.  They’ve recorded a bit of a demo that they are going to send around with proposals to the Ontario Arts Council and various funders.  They hope to add some production and distribution value to their recording.

I’ve had the pleasure of playing with Keith and he’s always been passionate about his song-writing.  The demo has a couple of catchy tunes: Broken Arrow and O’Canada.  I hope he’ll bring back a few original songs from the past like Aboriginal Man and the one with the lyrics “It’s enought to make you stop and wonder why.  It’s enough to make you, hang your head and cry.”

What I’d like to see is the Crane Clan play…  Perry, Keith and Scott.  All are talented singers and players.


How did I get sucked into watching American Idol?  It started by watching as a family, either on the couch or in the family bed.  But I’m the only one who watched whole TV shows.  Now I’m the only one in our household following the progress of the contestants.

I started out liking Katie Stevens and Casey James.  I Love Katie’s tone and she’s a real cutie.  Casey can really rock out and plays a great blues guitar.  But both haven’t really wow-ed me in recent weeks.

Crystal Bowersox is clearly the best of the girls.  She’s got an amazing voice and a great edge to her.  From what I’ve seen, no one is in her league on the girls side.

Michael Lynche has been consistant and the best of the men.  He’s been impressing the judges and has been the best over the past couple of weeks.  Andrew Garcia was amazing doing his version of Straight Up and I would have picked him as a favorite a few weeks back.  But he’s gone downhill.
