LONDON – Just getting ready for bed tonight and wanted to share some thoughts with you.

I had an amazing day with my boyz, Zoon Gaabow and Miigwans.  We spent the afternoon at the Children’s Museum, playing and going through all of the exhibits.  I think they liked the cave exhibit the best.  The dinosaurs were a close second.

The best part of the day was just talking with them, Daddy to sons and sons to Daddy.  They had so many great questions… (why do cars have license plates).  We donated some money to the Legion Poppy Fund and I spoke to them about veterans and their contributions to Canada.  I was also proud to share with them that Anishinaabe warriors played a strong role in those wars that we remember.  They are wearing their poppys on their jackets with pride.
We had a great dinner at a local pizzeria and followed that up with a couple hours in the Lodge at our annual fall fasting camp.  I was so proud of them, shaking their shakers, dancing and singing a few words that they knew of the songs.  They were so good and so attentive.  They made me overjoyed that they were my flesh and blood.  I’m so happy to be their Dad.

I have everything a man could ever want.

Miigwetch, mno-bimaadiziwin.
