Friday, May 4: My Boyz Gymnastics Class, Midland, ON.

Tuesday, May 8:  Ont. Progressive Conservative Caucus Meeting, Toronto, ON.

Thursday, May 10: A group photo of the day’s participants.

Monday, May 14: Grand Council Chief Beaucage addresses the Nisga’a Lisims Government at New Aiyansh, BC. Chairperson Kevin McKay listens attentively.

Tuesday, May 15: In front of the Nisga’a Lisims Government Building.  Front Row: Mary Laronde, Nikki Manitowabi, Nisga’a Chairperson Kevin McKay, Nisga’a President Nelson Leeson, Grand Council Chief John Beaucage, Esther Gilbank.  Middle Roe: Chief Patrick Waddilove, Chief Patrick Madahbee, Chief Robert Corbiere, Chief Wilfred King, Chief Keith Knott.  Top Row:  Bob Goulais, Jamie Restoule, Nisga’a Director Les Clayton, Fred Bellefeuille, Deputy Grand Chief Glen Hare.

Tuesday, May 15:  Totem pole at Gingolx in the Nisga’a Nation.

Tuesday, May 15:  Deputy Grand Chief Glen Hare in the village of Gingolx, BC.

Tuesday, May 15:  Grand Council Chief Beaucage points out Alaska from the mouth of the Nass River in northern British Columbia.

Wednesday, May 16:  My sleeping buddy, Zhii-zhiibaaki.

Friday, May 18:  Grand Council Chief Beaucage and the Union of Ontario Indians hosts the Minister of Indian Affairs, The Hon. Jim Prentice in Parry Sound, Ontario.
