Back Row: Chief Norm Hardisty of Moose Cree First Nation, Robert Witchel of Right to Play, Brad Duguid – Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, Chris Bentley – Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, Grand Chief Stan Beardy of Nishnawbe Aski Nation. Front Row: Darlene Isaac, Aurora Delaney, Olympic and World Champion Sami Jo Small and Adrian Delaney.

Today, the Government of Ontario and Right To Play announced a new partnership that will promote a healthy and active lifestyle for Aboriginal youth through sport and recreation. 

Promoting Life-skills for Aboriginal Youth (P.L.A.Y.) is a pilot project being developed by Right To Play. The first community to benefit from the program will be Moose Cree First Nation. 

The program uses sport and recreation to develop leadership skills and provide youth with opportunities that may not otherwise be available in their community. It is based on similar sport and play programs run by Right To Play.

Right To Play is a humanitarian organization that uses sport and play programs to improve health and develop life skills for children and communities in 23 countries around the world.
