It’s been a thoroughly wonderful holiday so far, as we make our way through Peru.  Yesterday, we spent the day with Rosanna and her sister Shilrey and her friend Erica shopping through the market district of beautiful Miraflores and Lima.

The markets had some really unique items usually made by local indigenous people.  Unlike a lot of other tourist destinations, each shop had something unique to offer.  That being said, I also think every other shop either sells alpaca wool products or silver jewellery. However, among all that wool, I found a great new scarf and Deb found a fabulous sweater wrap with a charming Peruvian design.  I also found a new wooden tobacco bowl that’s got me psyched for some immediate tobacco dancing, which I did right there in the market.

After another few hours in Lima today, we made our way to Iquitos – the world´s largest remote city only accessible by air or boat.  It is also the largest city in the Peruvian Amazon.  We got in safely to Jim and Rosanna´s casa to a nice greeting.  It was nice to meet Rosanna´s mom and dad, get a night-time tour of the backyard animal sanctuary, and have a nice cuddle with the Girlies.  Deb is putting them to bed as I write this.  They´re so happy we´re here finally.  Jasmine and Fiona actually arrived here with their Grandpa Jim last Monday.  So they´ve already had their taste of the Iquitos life.

Tomorrow, Deb and I will get to see Iquitos with an expected high of 34 and about 90 per cent humidity.  A typical summer day here.  We hope to catch up to uncle Fisher and Uncle Terry who are out on the town this evening.  We are all going to venture to a nearby butterfly conservatory in the jungle.

I already have quite a few photos from our adventures in Lima.  I´ll post those as well as a few more from tomorrow´s adventures.  But my bed awaits.

Buenos noches.
