OTTAWA – Writing from a lonely hotel room, 19 floors above downtown Ottawa.  Cleaning up my website a bit and thought I’d type a few lines.
Lots of things have happened in the 10 days since I last posted.  

Three Fires Fall Ceremonies
This story is worth more than a few lines before bed.  But I’ll give you the inside scoop.  After our trip to Wisconsin from Nov. 9-12, I am wearing my Miigis Shell for my Second Degree.  This is the most incredible news in my life right now.  The Midewiwin Spirit has been telling me, but I hadn’t been listening.  I’ve been seeing the second degree, seeing Midewiwin life in a very different way, but I hadn’t been paying attention.  It wasn’t until I brought my seven year-old son, Zoon Gaabow to ceremonies, and for him to tell us he “wants to be Midewiwin”, that it finally clicked in me.  So I gave my tobacco and will walk this road to the doorway once again.  Miigetch mno bimaadiziwin.

Congratulations to my son, Griffin.  He is wearing his Miigis proudly.  He is truly reflective of his name, the Strong Standing One.  He is brave and courageous beyond his years.  He is definitely Ogitchidaa.

All Ontario Chiefs Conference
Spent a few days in Sault Ste. Marie last week at the All-Ontario Chiefs Conference.  Enjoyed my time there, renewing acquaintances, working for our Chiefs-in-Assembly, doing some work around the pipe and such.  Received support from the All Ontario Chiefs to pursue our cross border security initiative to administer and print the new Indian Status Cards that will be unveiled next spring.  We will be working hard on that proposal.  In fact, we will be meeting with the Prime Ministers’ Office tomorrow afternoon to discuss that very same thing.

Nursing Myself Back to Health
Been living with a bad cold, and probably a flu.  I put on a brave face last week – but I was hacking and sleeping and hardly feeling well at all.  Spent most of the time last week in the Soo sleeping in my hotel room.  Did get to go out and see Saw 3.  Not the best of the series, but it is Saw.  What did I expect? lol  I took the weekend off!  Can you believe it?? 

Bob’s Schedule:
Nov. 20-21-22   Ottawa, meetings with Ministers, Prime Ministers Office, MPs
November 23-24   Toronto, various meetings
November 25-27   Toronto, Canadian Aboriginal Festival
November 29-December 2   Montreal, Liberal Convention

It’s 12:11 a.m. now.  Off to bed.  Miigwetch for reading and stopping by.
