I feel refreshed! My blog has been freshly upgraded to the latest
version of software. I had a good ole time last night customizing the
code, incorporating additional Facebook interfaces and adding the
latest spam-ware to my website. I really enjoy all the technological
stuff. It’s quite cerebral and keeps me busy.

I’ve been dedicated to using all open source code. I don’t make
anything new, however, I do try to keep developers in the loop of any
challenges I’m having or how things could be improved. However, I’ve
been working more and more with Mac and getting use to the Mac OS X
operating system. This certainly seems to be a contradiction. But I
haven’t had any crash or critical errors, which tends to happen when
you’re multi-tasking about twenty different pieces to the same pie. I
like the integrated functionality to all the Apple products. The
whole world seems to be moving towards MacBook, Iphone, Ipods and
Ipads. I may not be a full convert yet, but someday I may work
towards integrating Apple functionality into my site at some time.

Have a great day.
