Three Fires Midewiwin Lodge
Annual Spring Initiation Ceremonies

June 11-16, 2013
Madigan Park, Madigan Road.
Off HWY # 2, 3 miles east of Bad River Indian Reserve, Wisconsin

Download the full notice in Adobe PDF.

SATURDAY & SUNDAY, June 8th and 9th
Advance Preparations

Boozhoo, Nindaway mawgunidoog! It is that long awaited for time for us to gather! We have lots of advance work to do. These early days are a great time to visit, catch up with your Mide family, and get great fresh air and exercise! Lodge pole gathering / grass cutting / grounds work / wood-cutting / sweat lodge building & preparation / transporting equipment to Madigan Park / kitchen readiness, cooking, cleaning, etc. Whew! Come early if you are able to do so, or plan to stay after ceremonies to help with the take-down, clean up at the ceremony grounds and kitchen, and putting things safely in storage at the Mide School. Weyweyni!

Ceremony preparations & planning / work details/ Sweatlodges for Oshkawbaywisug and Mide leadership

Midewauniquay Water Offering / Sweatlodges For Initiates

9:00 a.m. –  Work Detail Preparatory work continues.
12:00 noon Lunch – hosted/prepared by Mide-wahnikwe, to be served at Madigan Park (if its raining lunch will be served at the Mide School instead).
2:00 p.m. –  Water Bundle preparation immediately following lunch.
3:00 p.m. –  Water Bundle Offering, locations TBA
Afternoon: Sweat Lodge Preparations for Initiate and Midewiwin Sweats

Daily Ceremonies Schedule, listen for important announcements

Day 1:  Wednesday, June 12th
Fire Lighting, First Day

6:15 a.m. –   Fire Lighting followed Daybreak Ceremony presided by Bawdwaywidun
11:00 a.m. –  Drum Call-In
Preparations for Initiation lodge work continue/ Fern Gathering begins
1:00 p.m. –  Noon Feast: Host Community
Midewiwin Lodge Session
T.B.A. Grandmother’s Gathering
7:00 p.m. –  Evening Feast: Grand Chief’s Family
Initiates Evening Sweat Lodges continue TBA

Day 2: Thursday, June 13th
Initiate Teaching Sessions, Initiation Lodge Building

6:15 a.m. –  Sunrise Ceremony
7:30 a.m. –  Break and Lodge Preparations
10:00 a.m. –  Morning Session (All Midewiwin & Initiates present).
New Chiefs Raising & Recognition, Celebration taking place prior to Noon Feast
12:00 Noon –  Feast: Wabizhayshi Clan
1:00 p.m. –  Initiate Teaching Sessions
Mide Tree/pole gathering, Fern Gathering, tying, continues until completed; Initiation Lodge Building continues until it is completed.
6:00 p.m. –  Evening Feast: All Chiefs and Midewauniquays Sponsor

Day 3: Friday, June 14th
Initiations New Life Ceremony- Grandfather Feast- Initiates Feast

5:30 a.m. –  Door Opening Ceremony and Call In.
8:00 a.m. –  Initiates final walk to the Mide Lodge Door. Initiations ALL DAY
12:00 Noon –  Feast: Binayshee Clan (Lodge Opening)
6:00 p.m. –  Evening Feast:  Mooz/Mahng Clans

Day 4: Saturday, June 15th
Complete Initiations

6:00 a.m. –  Call in, Completion of Initiations
12:00 p.m. –  Noon Feast: Mukwa Clan
Initiations continuing until complete.
New Life Pole Celebration & Dance Out
TBA Ogitchidaw & Buffalo Dance Celebration
6:00 p.m. –  Evening Feast: Bizhew/Miengun/ Amik / Nigig Clans
TBA Jingle Dress Medicine Dance

IMPORTANT NOTE:  *** THE MEDICINE DANCE, INITIATION CEREMONY, IS LED BY THE MIDE SPIRIT. There have been times the Ceremony has extended into Sunday, or even Monday,  to complete  the ceremony for all Initiates… We will respond to the movement of the Spirit and complete our Mide work. 

Day 5: Sunday, June 16th
Lodge Protocols & Wrap-up

CLEAN UP  (Taking down of Initiation Lodge / Camp and Mide School clean up, etc.)
Travel lunch to be provided by 2012 Initiates 

Hugs, Tears, Peace. Gi Guh Waubuh Mi Goo, Neekawnis. Bawdwaywidun Banaise, Chiefs and Quays of the Three Fires Midewiwin Lodge

Download the full notice in Adobe PDF.
