Dear editor:

Please accept this open letter to the aboriginal communities:

Three months ago we gathered to celebrate with friends. What happened next is inexcusable—nor is there any explanation possible for our stupidity and foolishness.
We have watched every humiliating moment of our behaviour in the video with deepest regret. We took a sacred cultural tradition of the Anishnawbe people and treated it like just another dance move off MTV.

There was no planning or intent; we never for a second meant to harm anyone. And in our ignorance, we have disrespected, insulted, and hurt our aboriginal communities—and embarrassed ourselves, our teammates, and our families.

We are writing this letter to acknowledge the harm we have done, and to offer our apologies. We know a simple apology is not enough, but it is a beginning and we have to start somewhere.

We have many friends of aboriginal ancestry—we go to school together, we play sports together and work together, and share meals and sleep-overs. In our foolishness and thoughtlessness, we have trampled on their traditions and terribly hurt their feelings.
We are so sorry.

We have asked the high school to allow us a Healing Circle to begin the healing process. We have spent the past weekend talking, researching, and listening, with a growing awareness of just how hurtful our actions were.

Please accept this acknowledgment of the harm we have done. We are truly sorry,


Lindsey Roehrig, Kristen Penner, Katie Stearns,
Kimmy Lafleur, Kailey Curtis, and Taylor Meyers
