RICHER, Manitoba (May 24, 2011) – After a vibrant welcoming yesterday in Winnipeg, and an early morning start on the Trans-Canada highway, the Mother Earth Water Walk – North is now blazing a course through Southeastern Manitoba.
The Walkers will spend the night in Richer, Manitoba before re-starting their walk before sunrise on Wednesday.
Media Availability, Mother Earth Water Walk – North
Photo op, Video, Interviews, Aboriginal perspectives
Josephine Mandamin, founder, Mother Earth Water Walk
Debby Danard, lead walker, North
Anishinaabe women, First Nations supporters
The Walkers are available for interviews in Manitoba on May 24 and May 25. They expect to cross into Ontario on May 26.
WHERE: Check out the Interactive Map with GPS.
The Mother Earth Water Walk was founded in 2003 to be a focal point to raise awareness and generate support, recognition and awareness of the importance of keeping water clean.
The Mother Earth Water Walk – North will walk from Winnipeg to Bad River, Wisconsin with an expected arrival on June 10.
The 2011 Water Walk will unite all the waters of North America walking from all four directions including Hudson’s Bay, Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean. The It is estimated that a total of 9,426 km and well over 10 million steps will be walked this year.
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