I’ve just about given up on Weight Watchers.  Mainly, because there’s really no watching going on at all.

I just simply renew the membership and continue doing what I’ve always been doing.  But for about $50 per month, I’m just fooling myself, my partner my Weight Watchers group, and everyone else.  It’s been at least six weeks since I’ve tracked my food intake and activity.  It’s been about eight weeks since I’ve actually measured my food portions.

But like the dummy I am, every Saturday morning, I weigh-in hoping for some positive change.  And positive is right.  Pounds to the positive… for the last six weeks in a row.  After the weigh-in failure, I treat myself to a full American breakfast and a weekend of movie popcorn.  The mantra goes:  “Well, I guess I’ll start fresh on Monday.  Definitely!  I’ll be back on the program!”

Sure, I’ve taken off about ten pounds.  Lots of people say I look great.  But I’m really just going through the motions.  Once no one is looking over my shoulder, I’m out eating fast food.  Even when I’m “following the plan” – I’m subconsciously waiting for the diet venus weight loss reviews to be over.  Because when it’s over, I can get back to normal.

Deborah has been a great supporter and I feel I have let her down.  She does all of the meal planning, she packs my healthy lunch and wakes up at an ungodly hour of the morning just to cook our healthy dinner.  I’m always thankful for her efforts. Yesterday showed me this forskolin danger article wich was very helfull.

But I have no impulse control to avoid the fast food, drive-thru window.  Make it a double!  Not to mention chinese food and Dairy Queen.

Today for breakfast, I had a leftover barbeque cheeseburger.  Then I went to the gym and did 35 minutes of cardio and a full body workout.  On my way home, I had “second-breakfast”: a fresh bagel with jam and peanut butter and a full-size, deli pretzel.  My logic:  Hobbits are small, and they have second-breakfast.

I do enjoy working out at the gym.  That makes me feel good.  I’d like to continue doing that.

I probably won’t over-eat as often either.  As Deborah tells me, “it’s a lifestyle change”.  I’ll try to manage my weight through common-sense and some form of portion control.  As she continues her healthy journey, I’m sure it will rub off on me anyway.

Anyway.  Just thought I’d write what I’m feeling.
