Zara_NativeAmerican_BeddingSetI have received a response from ZaraHOME regarding my concern over the sale of their “Native American Bedding Set”.  It was send corporately from their Customer Service Department but they do want to speak to me in person.  The produce is still online, but they did commit to removing it.  To me, this is a very encouraging response from a company who appears to care about the views of their customers.  I wish that was the case with other companies.  When I speak to them, I will also talk to them about point of sale tax exemptions, and perhaps working with First Nations designers.

Please resume shopping with Zara.  Making changes, one company, one person at a time.  Miigwetch for your support on this campaign.

Here is our e-mail exchange:

From: Goulais, Bob
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 12:19 PM
To: Zara Home Canada
Subject: Zara Home Case ID:874 (#8629-424627490-2867)

Good day:

Thank you do much for your reply and kind consideration. I really appreciate you listening to my views and the concerns of some of our First Nations people. I certainly appreciate that your designers and buyers may not understand of appreciate why our people take such offence to these kinds of products that depict our people in such a stereotypical way. It is truly hurtful, especially for our children. Your ability to apologize, reach out and take action is admirable and the right thing to do. Your action of removing the bed linen collection shows you respect your customers and our culture. Please pass on my personal thanks and appreciation to your management team. Your leadership in this matter is exemplary.

Miigwetch (thank you).

Bob Goulais
Nipissing First Nation
(416) 770-8567

From: Zara Home Canada
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 11:16 AM
To: Goulais, Bob
Subject: Zara Home Case ID:874 (#8629-424627490-2867)

Dear Mr. Goulais,

Thank you so much for your email. Customer’s opinions like yours help us to improve constantly. And in this case let us thank you for sharing your opinion with regard to this bedding collection of Zara Home.
As you say in your kind email, the collection aims to be a celebration of the beauty heritage of America, and let us add in a very naive way. First Nation is an integral and important part of your history and culture. The designs wanted to be a tribute to the First Nation people and a symbol of the America history. The images try to show the music, traditions and culture of the First Nation people – let us insist on this, in a very naive and warm way for children. We deeply apologize if it has been misinterpreted or if it could be perceived as offensive. We would be pleased to contact you by phone personally, should you allow us to reach you. We would call you to a number that you could kindly indicate us to share with you these point of views about what the designers had in mind with this Zara Home Kids Collection.
Having said that, we really appreciate your opinion so we are proceeding to remove the bed linen collection you referred from our website and stores.

Please do not hesitate in contacting us should you need anything from us.

Best regards,

Customer Service Department

